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Play Leaderboards #bullsquid Steam Group About Login


Season 2 Top 500

Season 4 Season 3 Season 2 Season 1 Global (Live)

1 TheTrueBullsquid TOP SQUID 1133:33:13
2 ugng TOP SQUID 993:40:38
3 legacy2355 TOP SQUID 942:13:26
4 The Foul Mold TOP SQUID 792:12:23
5 YTPizzahead TOP SQUID 636:57:19
7 AlkyoneAoide TOP SQUID 520:38:37
8 HeadcrabsAreCute TOP SQUID 496:49:00
9 Kedar TOP SQUID 471:14:09
10 CarterG4 TOP SQUID 458:28:48
11 HawkeAssault 443:42:26
12 Cookie 443:37:45
13 tommy 436:23:59
14 tess 432:06:40
15 The_Spider_Queen 410:50:51
16 Victor_sueca 408:47:15
17 Keleindor 402:33:45
18 bimjte 383:56:05
19 Soleedus 373:54:36
20 bobthebiscuit 371:28:20
21 sxdfcsxdf 342:36:43
22 bitchybitch 313:04:19
23 Helvetical 311:00:06
24 Shitface McGee 297:55:08
25 NotTubular9 293:33:04
26 stickmirror 292:11:12
27 Lumi 287:48:16
28 ThroatyChunk 285:51:43
29 Tatertotz 285:30:44
30 Carrera 272:07:26
31 terra 272:01:12
32 eeeeeeeeeeee 268:12:02
33 Leaflet 267:33:58
34 Rambo 262:57:02
35 jackyfox 261:26:20
36 ? Deltacool 259:05:46
37 seven/bug!! 256:25:17
38 ceptemzorpus 255:11:02
39 Komrade 252:10:08
40 conecto 251:39:20
41 Jack 251:31:10
42 12345678 243:52:41
43 mari_ 241:03:07
44 yomamaa 239:17:08
45 Babby_32 234:13:32
46 literallyjustsomeguy 231:05:27
47 420squidit 231:04:04
48 Professional Theophilanthropist 227:56:00
49 Small_moist 227:53:47
50 Gootstep 226:49:31
51 SomethingNew 225:24:13
52 Ayyyyyy 221:43:22
53 roob. 216:19:49
54 abzman 210:38:37
55 KillerSon 209:28:50
56 ivydood 209:20:41
57 Aclamendo 205:09:06
58 Warkin 202:06:39
59 21salvage 200:00:42
60 The Pizza King 197:49:51
61 Soft 196:00:08
62 PenisMoney 195:14:30
63 maxbutnotmax 194:28:14
64 Salt 193:08:59
65 Motel 192:15:54
66 Adys301 191:29:48
67 sgorf 190:22:51
68 progamersquid 190:07:35
69 Travis 189:56:31
70 zwootie 189:42:59
71 korin 185:20:28
72 Memoca 181:47:44
73 Majora64 179:18:43
74 Cpol 178:10:44
75 NDXDirectorsCut 178:05:27
76 MST 176:20:10
77 Mega Fax 176:08:54
78 Offsidespoon 175:46:44
79 Havo 173:07:14
80 Powelson Boys 171:43:25
81 Razur 171:01:44
82 fucko 169:15:34
83 closetdoorman 168:48:50
84 Icarus 167:49:29
85 MuffinSquid 167:08:59
86 lordmort 166:35:47
87 Lexica 166:18:12
88 NeoThyMighty 165:12:50
89 Mavvy 163:48:17
90 Foxley MacAlpine 161:30:13
91 Uberrandom 158:14:57
92 Piatsa 158:08:31
93 SwagALicious 157:23:05
94 bullcuddlefish 156:48:28
95 antone 156:17:34
96 TRMod 156:08:00
97 Marvius 154:48:58
98 FrostBird347 154:32:32
99 big69OUNCE 153:07:41
100 houndeyeenjoyer 152:43:42
101 Duck 152:20:30
102 buzzboy502 151:45:54
103 Frank's Red Hot 151:43:08
104 JavaMR 149:55:08
105 sammywhell 146:54:51
106 SammyToesis 145:56:49
107 Jacaredomangue 145:50:25
108 BigBusto 144:25:09
109 6in1MouthWash 144:04:36
110 Euryalus 142:26:24
111 graph100 142:11:10
112 moahnoon 141:48:38
113 Dogetheun 141:37:40
114 STAHP 140:23:45
115 PersonPersonPerson 139:20:30
116 luckyy 138:49:21
117 morrighan 138:42:37
118 0necraftyninja 137:49:39
119 Pineapple 137:46:26
120 notflammable 137:13:07
121 THICCUMS 137:00:18
122 Gameriel 136:03:20
123 AllManBoob 134:29:37
124 Bullsquid luva 134:08:48
125 deathmanofevil 133:54:23
126 imagesdotxnopytdotxyz 133:21:40
127 FARTdotNET 132:57:20
128 Joefamilyguy 131:33:20
129 demonrat 131:18:24
130 DjangoWasAnAnime 130:31:49
131 4rk 130:10:48
132 TheRealKelso 129:57:08
133 MagoBeasley 129:38:25
134 kam 128:55:09
135 Generic Security Guard 128:50:27
136 Zafkiel 128:04:40
137 Malkoa 127:49:06
138 homir 127:09:18
139 xock 127:09:03
140 nobu 126:54:02
141 GordonGodofBullsquid 126:18:32
142 Zeemid 125:40:44
143 easyjoey 125:34:07
144 wompwompbois 125:19:12
145 pnm 124:48:13
146 UZR NAM 0 124:26:17
147 Tyedyegamer 124:16:06
148 dooble 124:10:36
149 ree kid 123:44:56
150 Gaminator 123:25:42
151 Katherine S. 123:16:18
152 kowspi 123:12:52
153 Talyn 123:03:22
154 Wowzamuchsquid 122:57:08
155 Saryth 120:24:29
156 ceeuwu 119:50:00
157 c4kca 119:36:53
158 boogard 119:26:52
159 meowth 119:04:09
160 dababy 119:00:52
161 fsnPain 118:58:47
162 Jacaremangal 118:36:26
163 Gamma 118:31:43
164 Toasty 118:25:24
165 UncleKunkle 117:34:57
166 bullersquiddus 116:42:49
167 khanwolf 115:04:06
168 Neon Volta 113:33:40
169 DrFeetman 113:12:37
170 3cubesvszombies 112:50:25
171 CW 111:29:55
172 FakeToy 111:09:03
173 sicalic 111:06:43
174 Samsara 110:39:37
175 Carbine Manslaughter 110:08:24
176 M�urning Wood 110:06:24
177 GrandMasterG 110:00:07
178 SquidFromAsia 109:51:03
179 Daddy OwO 109:47:41
180 JimmyDean33 109:15:27
181 Gayman1979 108:49:44
182 12321424312 108:04:28
183 assfuckshitcockballsass 107:57:20
184 Shyguysheriff. 107:12:34
185 merchant 107:02:27
186 Coolguy3289 106:35:21
187 [email protected] 104:50:36
188 OrigamiToast 104:50:35
189 Shadow2k6 104:41:32
190 PilotC234 104:34:13
191 vectorman 2 on the genesis 104:12:50
192 3301 104:12:13
193 nico 103:47:47
194 The Legendary Dappergrade 103:22:44
195 ok this is epic 102:39:08
196 Qwerty Bear 101:28:38
197 pot3000 100:46:14
198 scientist_01 100:38:18
199 fucle 100:24:27
200 Punapple 100:14:32
201 sydrinial 99:36:36
202 Nya 99:12:57
203 somekid 99:06:58
204 Niko5557 98:50:40
205 kawaii killer holos when? 98:43:42
206 DuckSenpai 98:34:02
207 Chyoden 98:28:17
208 clunky 98:27:57
209 Kluring 98:21:21
210 Bullsquid 98:08:57
211 Vaporweeb 97:38:45
212 Evsty 97:33:08
213 daiinster 97:09:51
214 Fhuzz e 96:59:56
215 peterpie 96:33:27
216 Pribri 96:23:58
217 EDDIE 96:09:34
218 Misty Null 95:28:43
219 BumbleBee Fan 94:49:56
220 Moncher 93:24:43
221 jokurdm 93:16:41
222 stopts 93:13:42
223 bawlzsquid 93:04:59
224 DaKoko 92:38:38
225 Heb1 92:36:30
226 Killr Keemstar 92:17:36
227 biggy 92:11:04
228 BigWaifuMoves 91:45:36
229 bullsquidder413 91:39:44
230 bobspizzaria 91:25:08
231 Daku 90:39:44
232 REAL 90:23:47
233 SeaxBass 90:01:24
234 davyjones 89:40:24
235 Hope 89:17:47
236 CupRamen 89:16:17
237 Commander AK 89:04:12
238 D a r l i n g ^ , - 88:08:16
239 Asunder 87:58:06
240 Christmas 87:11:01
241 Apfelkuchen 86:16:20
242 SRA 86:07:21
243 T3X 85:52:15
244 AnLoser 84:59:31
245 funkybullsquider 84:57:27
246 lynn 84:51:12
247 ?sig? 84:06:36
248 Phantom Xavier 84:04:49
249 redbug 84:03:24
250 anarch0possum 83:51:04
251 cacusma 83:43:54
252 Lawbones 83:41:59
253 goosetacogamer24 83:21:42
254 teefiddy 82:58:41
255 CompactCow 82:56:18
256 ratunion 82:28:47
257 bullsquidy2 82:27:09
258 shanepask 82:15:52
259 HelpMeGame 80:53:48
260 phagesage 80:34:09
261 CarcinogenProducer14007 79:50:24
262 Honiahaka 79:43:48
263 Saul Goodlass 79:37:58
264 marsy 79:19:46
265 The Dude 79:12:09
266 Itsyaboi Nick 78:43:59
267 Sir Vinyl 77:57:35
268 bullcsicsken 77:51:04
269 flamingowrangIer 77:30:49
270 Vanuz 77:29:48
271 ChristopheBeaudoin 77:25:24
272 paramite 76:58:11
273 beanman68 76:38:08
274 townbent 76:19:42
275 fucksquid 76:19:01
276 magic milk 76:07:14
277 Kangaroo 75:37:04
278 concrete 75:06:54
279 Bullsquidfan1234 74:54:52
280 Bomy59 74:38:24
281 SpudSupreme 74:30:11
282 anua 74:22:53
283 SealBoi 74:09:17
284 kottpot 73:54:10
285 hihihihihihihihihiih 73:01:17
286 Christoburr Productions 72:58:53
287 WhiteGutz 72:57:52
288 Tetskeli 72:53:51
289 aei0u0iea 72:49:08
290 ABrightDawn 71:54:35
291 321ninjapig 71:41:49
292 Roxana 71:32:24
293 OwO_Its_Manman 71:26:51
294 Charliee 71:24:07
295 bryuh 71:11:17
296 Mythical__Mew 69:55:36
297 PythonICD 69:37:33
298 kasi 69:36:25
299 dasquiddoo 69:27:39
300 HatInAGoat 69:21:52
301 ShockShard 69:18:50
302 SLAYER69 68:58:00
303 hordius 68:56:57
304 LimyChitou 68:47:55
305 cheese2 68:44:22
306 SunnySaffrons 68:42:34
307 nick6788 68:20:14
308 hexens 68:14:29
309 Zeezee 68:13:42
310 Fuckguy 68:05:55
311 Squidward3 68:03:19
312 kralich 68:01:16
313 NHLStorm 67:34:58
314 Poole 67:26:14
315 Nikolai Belinski 67:16:22
316 Stormy 67:12:29
317 Aidan 67:10:22
318 Diurne 67:05:53
319 Radixerus 66:57:55
320 ACceptGub 66:43:43
321 linton411 66:38:22
322 dingy 66:38:13
323 nax 66:30:22
324 asheware 66:23:57
325 Kazoo 66:04:15
326 nickles 65:56:30
327 rycbar 65:52:18
328 (i'm a g.a.m.e.r) large crab 65:33:36
329 hailey 65:27:25
330 Witoree 65:23:23
331 Bambii 65:12:38
332 kjhfjdskalwdjefhjds 65:03:28
333 TimeFire 65:01:27
334 beancan27 64:43:22
335 Edna P. Granbo 64:42:42
336 keka 64:34:05
337 bone 64:19:56
338 bix 64:17:35
339 ♥ Luciλ ♥ 64:13:45
340 MoistBard 64:01:42
341 DavidLindquist 63:54:22
342 SpawnHybrid 63:50:57
343 urmomisinmybed 63:41:40
344 zaneplayx3 63:27:54
345 kaijukiller 63:09:05
346 charlotte 63:07:57
347 lunafox2 62:44:23
348 9×19mm Parabellum 62:32:06
349 bullsquidcool65 62:29:24
350 Equimorialt 62:29:14
351 jakeworld 62:20:42
352 supermicro2 62:19:04
353 aman 62:09:24
354 Cykes 62:04:35
355 Section 61:55:40
356 pcpartyrock 61:47:22
357 Reggie The Rat 61:06:33
358 shmame 61:06:11
359 ??? ? 61:04:11
360 meat 60:15:53
361 Luna_The_Witch 60:11:29
362 Cr4ckHorse 59:48:13
363 Pardner 59:23:58
364 refutablespark1 59:09:42
365 TheIronBullsquid277 59:08:31
366 jeliot 58:50:30
367 Wahoo2512 58:32:25
368 GrimGodiva 58:30:36
369 someguy1 57:41:42
370 redditwholesomeaward 57:37:58
371 Peebster 57:12:58
372 Spice1337420 57:04:06
373 HOIP 56:58:46
374 Sgt. Kirby 56:48:03
375 uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu 56:44:45
376 FREEMON 56:44:05
377 {GCBC} Taps 56:43:56
378 CubeOfIce 56:39:56
379 CoomDoom1298 56:39:22
380 alexpine 56:36:44
381 BlueSquid! 56:24:35
382 Butterslingshot 56:11:22
383 bullsquidenjoyergigachad 55:50:35
384 lobotomite 55:42:39
385 Z-Block 55:31:11
386 Mecha 55:07:13
387 Ajaaw 55:01:30
388 oceanman14 54:56:26
389 MrJustin 54:54:55
390 Tangie 54:49:55
391 honegunch 54:49:10
392 hayd6262 54:32:21
393 Chocolate Bar 54:28:52
394 bullsquidassfucker 54:25:30
395 Samey the Hedgie 54:24:28
396 Im Certified 54:23:22
397 Combine Gaming 54:19:38
398 madlad2354 54:19:34
399 gfdgsdfgdfg 54:14:20
400 Mang0 53:51:32
401 Nevaa 53:40:38
402 dertehe4tey 53:24:19
403 Enginer gaming 53:23:07
404 Scrifter 53:08:39
405 Dumolko 53:00:52
406 idleChamp42 52:48:59
407 plaonder 52:20:30
408 Mushroom52 52:19:04
409 Exter 52:16:48
410 Marait 52:13:41
411 Shadowhand 52:09:51
412 Lizal 51:59:09
413 junks 51:57:56
414 penis haha 51:54:49
415 Robotdudeguy 51:53:08
416 jerd 51:40:48
417 9734 51:39:41
418 GlitchyWuff 51:29:48
419 dunkleshreken 51:26:24
420 Shokkadin 51:16:21
421 penisaids23 51:00:30
422 Dav1jaan 50:55:34
423 Fael 50:54:28
424 nutty 50:45:27
425 anbirb 50:44:51
426 Crowfeather 50:44:51
427 magbert 50:44:18
428 BITBOARD_DEV 50:40:06
429 gamer2222222222 50:34:08
430 MassiveAssTitan 50:27:33
431 �?dietjoke?� 50:26:00
432 spiningmonkeys 50:19:16
433 cRUSADER cAPSLOCK 50:10:16
434 gordo_freeball 49:55:17
435 Adjustments to Non-Prime 49:49:23
436 Mimu Goddo 49:48:27
437 pithikos 49:45:16
438 alphanuemeric 49:39:45
439 LiviTrashQueen 49:31:01
440 libtard 49:27:55
441 sneedseedfeed 49:21:38
442 dakai777 49:21:24
443 Brie 49:19:31
444 DoctorOfPoop 49:17:11
445 The Real Waldo 49:09:24
446 Melten 49:06:53
447 ShaneNothing 49:04:52
448 CHOMIK 48:35:24
449 jpuxwid 48:34:53
450 JustABull 48:30:09
451 Metagamer 48:23:26
452 offside 48:22:19
453 uilhijh 48:17:36
454 dasbeermeister 48:16:48
455 generalkenobee 48:08:45
456 Convicted PDF File 48:03:57
457 BullSquidIsLife 48:01:38
458 gonz 48:00:42
459 _sr.g_?_ 47:53:49
460 zaqqseth 47:51:16
461 109Volts 47:46:51
462 ghhdslkei 47:39:46
463 Inatordias1 47:37:57
464 djtravz 47:35:10
465 Max 47:23:35
466 Prism 47:19:59
467 Barack "1984" Osama 47:19:24
468 Bobp 47:11:03
469 Kamui 46:52:42
470 jiiiim 46:50:44
471 Engineer 46:50:02
472 lix 46:46:16
473 poilikis 46:35:14
474 Glienzzy 46:34:08
475 ChromaticSins 46:30:45
476 foohy 46:30:06
477 ferrium_nickel 46:25:22
478 enigmas 46:18:57
479 Milklover427 46:18:30
480 hfrox 45:54:27
481 da share my wife z0ne 45:52:57
482 OSwaldd 45:50:20
483 stegularprism 45:49:16
484 nauhse 45:43:02
485 yarker 45:41:14
486 COUGOTDEV 45:39:31
487 believeinthenet 45:38:29
488 afae 45:37:20
489 DukeDiamond 45:29:13
490 Amped 45:27:52
491 AllYourBase 45:24:09
492 NOE U 45:13:06
493 BruhMoment23123 45:11:46
494 Sodiumman 45:04:49
495 dacz 45:01:16
496 Boden 44:54:16
497 Adivost0 44:54:03
498 Geo_Vex 44:38:17
499 pleasebullsquidhl3 44:32:33
500 Cardboard 44:30:35